About Me

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ああー!怖い !~ ye, My first blog! I can't wait to start Typing and post a few random things or what's going on.(This is going to be boring ... It's just about me) I'm 19 and starting to discover myself. Best thing is to write a blog (I think this is a good way to start..idk) I want to learn Korean and Japanese. I would like to travel soon and get to know other cultures or new environments. well, I think that's it for now. I'll maybe put more "About Me" sooner or later. [P3a<3] ^ ^

Dec 7, 2009

Kyo! What a stalker

Joking, Kyo not a stalker

Kyo a.k.a ninja is minako's friend from japan class. I heard of kyo before(never met him though), but had a chance to talk to him. Man, minako is right we are kind of the same (not really). That is soo cool, first time a guy that is close to me. HAHAHAH! well, then for my manly ways

I had lots of fun talking to this kid!
Yes, kid .. he is a kid to me one year young then me.
Minako and I are playing prank on him, so he thinks I'm a guy and I'm gay. shh?
this going to be great. Minako really didn't want me to add him because he's a perv! and so on. I didn't believe Minako at first but now I know.
He's didn't lie about it either, he actually said he was a pervert

!(o 0 o)!
we have a few similar. 'I think? hmm' ( and it's not being a pervert XD)

I'm going to find out more
see ya lat3r!